
Phishing Security Phishing is a form of a scam in which a  user is tricked into clicking on a image or link with the intention to have some form of information stolen.  Unfortunately, phishing is often a successful way for an attacker to compromise a victim because it exploits the human element, which is considered to be the weakest link in an IT security program. One of my jobs as a security professional is to improve that defense by training users on how to be more aware of scams.  To do this, we run simulated phishing campaigns that attempt to "trick" the user into clicking a link.  The purpose of this exercise is to make the users aware of what a scam might look like and give the tools and knowledge to identify real scams. This is an example of an upcoming phishing test that I am working on at work.  The image will be embedded in the test phishing email and it will entice the user to click on a link for more information.  If the user does not clic...
Ooops... the domain accidentally expired.  I'm not sure why as it was set to auto-renew.  In any case, we're back!  Did ya miss us?

Robot Project movie/dream

I had the oddest dream last night.  It felt like I was either in a movie or the events that were taking place were based on a movie called "Robot Project".  (I Googled the name, but it doesn't exist.)  In my dream, I and some friends had learned to reprogram Android devices like Roku boxes to make them remote control anything. Now, I am in IT Security, so I do know that technology like the Pineapple exists that can be used to pen test networks (among some of the other non-devious stuff), but this dream was different.  In this scenario, this device could be used to remotely command and control anything - specifically targeted for robotic-type devices. For our test of this device, we had been remotely controlling drones and had it plugged up to a TV (next to an 80's era PlayStation) and were watching the screen as the drones were maneuvering somewhere, but all we were doing was watching their equivalent location on the TV screen like watching a radar.  What wa...
Happy 2018! Even though Jade Enterprises, Inc. is no longer in business, I have decided to keep the domain alive to support my activities. I've found that I've done a lot of projects throughout the years, some I've documented, but most I haven't. Projects range from science fair experiments to amateur radio to computer hobbies. I figure I'll start documenting them here for anyone's interest and see where things go.

Jade Enterprises

Jade Enterprises, Inc. has officially ceased business as of December 31, 2016.  For all customer inquires, please contact Ruth Campbell at 804-752-6688.  Thanks for your support and patronage.